Visiting Hours & Guidelines

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It is our goal to provide the highest quality care for our patients. In order to do so, we have established some guidelines for visitors. Many of these guidelines are in response to mental health laws, regulations and guidelines to protect the safety, rights and confidentiality of our patients. Please review these guidelines before you visit. Thank you for your cooperation.

Visiting Hours  

We welcome visitors on the following Unit Specific Schedules. Please arrive by 5:45pm to complete necessary check-in procedures.

YOUTH UNIT: Monday, Wednesday, Saturday: 6:00pm - 7:30pm

ASU 1: Wednesday and Saturday: 6:00pm - 7:30pm

ASU 2: Sunday and Friday : 6:00pm - 7:30pm

ASU 3: Tuesday and Saturday: 6:00pm - 7:30pm

ASU4: Sunday and Friday: 6:00pm- 7:30pm

PICU: Sunday and Thursday: 6:00pm - 7:30pm

****Visiting outside of stated hours/days of the week may be accomodated whenever possible****




1 VISITOR PER PATIENT AT ONE TIME - If there is more than 1 visitor for a patient, they must rotate the visiting among themselves.

  • Visiting Hours - Visitors are welcome during listed hours, however accomodations may be made to visit on days outside of those listed.
  • Flu Season - Please do not enter hospital property if you are experiencing, or may have been exposed to the flu.
  • Patient ID Numbers- All our patients have a Patient Identification Number that they must provide to anyone with whom they want to have contact with while they are in the hospital. If you do not have this ID number, we are legally obligated not to provide you with any information regarding that patient, including if they are physically here or not. You will also not be allowed to visit a patient without this access code. This is the law.
  • Visitor Identification Tags - You must check in with the receptionist in the lobby before you present to the units. The receptionist will provide you with a dated visitor sticker when you sign in and we require that you wear this sticker in a prominent place at all times while on our grounds. If you present to the units without this sticker, you will be asked to return to the receptionist. Visitor ID tags must be surrendered to staff when visiting is over.
  • Purses, Backpacks, Bags, Cell Phones, Food & Drink Items, etc. - Visitors are not allowed to bring these items on the units. It is our suggestion that you leave these items locked in the trunk of your vehicle. (Don’t forget your keys!) For your convenience, we have lockers available in the reception area, please ask the receptionist to issue you a locker key.
  • Children - Currently minors under the age of 18 are not allowed to visit on the units.
  • Visiting in Patient Rooms - All visitors must remain in common areas on the unit. You are not allowed to visit in a patients room or behind closed doors.
  • Flowers & Balloons - We strongly discourage our visitors from bringing these items to the hospital. If flowers or balloons are brought in, they will be kept at the nurses station and cannot be in patient rooms. We suggest that you wait until the patient returns home to present these items so that they can fully enjoy them.
  • Patient Belongings & Valuables - If you are bringing items to leave with a patient (i.e. clothing, toiletries, etc.), please give all items to the staff when you enter the unit. Some items may be sent home with you if they are considered to be inappropriate.
  • Visit Termination - If at any time during your visit, you become disruptive to the unit or if your presence is upsetting to the patient, you may be asked to leave. All patients have the right to refuse any visitor and have the option to terminate your visit at any time.
  • Contraband - The following items are considered to be contraband on all patient units. These items are not allowed on the unit. If a patient or visitor brings them in, they will be kept and stored until discharge: Alcohol or any drug related paraphernalia, sharp objects such as razors, scissors, glass bottles, mirrors, picture frames, needles, pins, aluminum cans, spiral notebooks, keys, make-up pencil sharpeners, paper clips, hair clips, underwire bras, and any other item with sharp edges or which can be broken to create sharp edges, shoe laces, belts, panty hose, rope, head bands, ace bandages, clothing with draw strings or long ties, matches and lighters, aerosol cans or fireworks of any kind, personal televisions, stereos, video games, CD players/recorders, boom boxes, computers, palm pilots, pagers, cell phones, any item with an electrical cord, etc., magazines, books, pictures or clothing items depicting drug or alcohol use, violence, racism, gangs, sexual situations or activities, Satanism or otherwise potentially offensive material, cameras, camcorders or any type of audio or visual recording device, weapons of any kind, candles or incense, plastic bags, medications of any kind, and any other item deemed inappropriate or dangerous by the clinical staff.

We hope that you enjoy your visit to Aurora San Diego Hospital. If you have any questions regarding these guidelines, please ask any member of our hospital staff.